On Following Your Own Timeline: Virginia Cumberbatch

On Following Your Own Timeline: Virginia Cumberbatch

Leading up to our Summer ‘19 iteration of WORK, we'll feature select interviews with some of our conference's speakers and thought leaders. In this interview, community leader and creative Virginia Cumberbatch talks about walking in her purpose. Click here for a look at Summer 2019’s conference schedule.


As a creative, scholar and organizer, Virginia Cumberbatch’s work sits at the intersection of community advocacy and storytelling. Virginia has served as the Director of Community Engagement and Social Equity, as a part of The University of Texas’ Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, since 2016. In 2018 she co-founded Rosa Rebellion, “a platform for creative activism by and for women of color.” Born and raised in Austin, Texas, Virginia was appointed to the Mayor of Austin’s Task Force on Institutional Racism and Systemic Bias, and is on the Board of Directors of Six Square: Austin’s Black Cultural District, KLRU (Austin’s PBS Station) and Waller Creek Conservancy.

how do you exercise personal and professional patience?

I think as long as you are walking in your purpose, be less concerned with the pace or timeline of meeting goals or aspirations. Sometimes if we rush or become too consumed with the timeline, we move outside of our purpose and maybe an opportunity that would be waiting for us if we had been patient

when do you know it's a "yes?" when do you know it's a "no?"

I think some of the questions to ask yourself before saying yes or no is: Does it align with your mission/purpose; is it mutually beneficial? Will it lead to growth or will it just drain your energy? Is there someone else in your space that you could elevate?

what are your thoughts on concepts of work/life balance?

Taking stalk of your mental health is vital. It is the only way to sustain the work you do, give to your community and walk fully in your purpose. I don’t think there is ever a true balance day to day, but I think being mindful what you give each season is important. Maybe there is a season of investment, but then you need to take a season to enjoy that harvest and rest.

how do you take care of yourself?

Prayer, health and community.

what's something you've unlearned lately that you're grateful for?

That my time is just to be of service and not worth financial value.

do you have any daily habits that are crucial to your workflow?

Working out keeps me focused, setting boundaries for how many meetings I take per day so that I can maintain energy and inspiration to write, ideate and strategize.

About WORK: WORK is a biannual pop-up space, designed for sharing new ideas and approaches to creative and entrepreneurial work. The event's panels, workshops and speaker sessions explore personal and professional curiosity, storytelling, diversity and equality, business management and creative entrepreneurship. Our next conference pops up in July 2019 at Rowling Hall in Austin, Texas. ✨Click here for more information.

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